The Parental Alienation Study Group has completed a thorough critique of a book that has been published seeking to discount the reality of Parental Alienation. PASG has done a thorough and clinically sound debunking of this book, and the review published by PASG is worth reading by any clinician…
Articles Posted in Clinical Issues in Divorce
Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Dealing with High Conflict Personalities (HCPs)
In my law practice, a number of issues that come up with divorce and child custody matters are focused around a spouse with a High Conflict Personality. HCPs can make a divorce and child custody case difficult to the point of being traumatic, and it is so important to have…
Illinois Divorce Lawyer: PASG and DSM
One of the longstanding issues in dealing with Parental Alienation within the clinical community, as well as with the legal community, has been the inclusion of Parental Alienation diagnostics in the DSM. An important group (of which I am proud to be a member) is the Parental Alienation Study Group.…
Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Malignant Narcissists
What Are the Signs of a Malignant Narcissist? Malignant narcissists tend to display some of the worst traits of both APD and NPD, and often have severe dysfunctions in their personal relationships, work, and ability to function in other areas of life. Their reckless behavior, disregard for others, and inability…
The Impact of Parental Alienating Behaviors
The Impact of Parental Alienating Behaviors on the Mental Health of Adults Alienated in Childhood Abstract This study qualitatively investigated the mental health of adults exposed to parental alienating behaviors in childhood. Research suggests that exposure to parental alienating behaviours in childhood can have a profound impact on the mental…
Roadmap for the Treatment of Parental Alienation
A Roadmap for the Treatment of Parental Alienation By Alan D. Blotcky, PhD, William Bernet, MD and Jennifer J. Harman, PhD Michigan Family Law Journal Parental alienation is a pathological phenomenon that is widely recognized among mental health professionals. Alienation is created through a purposeful and intentional process in which…
Illinois PAS Lawyer: Devastating Effects of Parental Alienation on Children
The Devastating Effects of Parental Alienation on Children Anger, guilt, grief, disconnection, and low self-esteem. Parental alienation is a form of child abuse that we are only beginning to recognize. Technically speaking, it’s when a child aligns with one parent and rejects its other parent for reasons that are not warranted.…
Illinois Divorce: non-profit organization website:
In the USA alone, an alarming number of families, estimated over 22 million, are affected by parental alienation. Millions of children are held psychological hostage by parents they trust. Through manipulation and coercion, innocent children are weaponized against the alienated parent. Children are involuntarily forced to align entirely with one…
Being in a relationship with a High Conflict Person (HCP)
Being in a relationship with a High Conflict Person (HCP) or a toxic person can be debilitating. Many adults with children will hold off on seeking help from the courts, or seeking a separation from the HCP in order to preserve the status quo for their children. But, as many…
Illinois Divorce: Parental Alienation Support
I saw this post today on Facebook, and it might be helpful to some families dealing with Parental Alienation: “Mark David Roseman and Associates offers its Fall 2021 support group for alienated parents, beginning September 22 via Zoom. This group is uniquely different in its compassion and understanding of parents…