
Articles Posted in Clinical Issues in Divorce


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Psychological Splitting in Children of Divorce

Everyday Trauma: Induced Psychological Splitting in Children of Divorce and Separation Credit: Understanding the impact of divorce and separation on children takes us down new pathways of understanding of induced psychological splitting, its manifestation in families and the every trauma it causes which has been hidden in plain sight…


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Divorcing the Narcissist

For many years, and since the publishing of Bill Eddy’s landmark book Splitting, I have been writing on the subject of divorce and personality disorders.  My law practice has a focus on helping people navigate divorce from a narcissist or someone with other traits of toxic personality disorders.  Because divorcing…


Parental Alienation

One of the hallmarks of my practice is the ability over the years to manage, and aggressively attack, Parental Alienation cases.  In order for an attorneys to effectively manage a case involving HCPs (High Conflict Personalities), personality disorders, and PA ( Parental Alienation), the attorney should have years of experience…


Illinois Divorce: Quick Tip: Parental Alienation / Estrangement Defined

When a child is resistant to seeing a parent, the reasons can be reduced to two basic phenomena: alienation or estrangement. Alienation refers to a child’s resistance or refusal to see a once loved parent, typically within the context of divorce or post divorce. In the case of “Estrangement” it…


Illinois Divorce Blog: Senate Bill 4113 and the 50/50 Parenting Time Presumption

I have included below most of the text of the amended Illinois SB 4113, which seeks to establish a rebuttable presumption that an award of equal parenting time to each parent is in the best interests of the minor child(ren) in a divorce case. For many years, my firm has represented…


Illinois Divorce: Shared Parenting Bills

The Illinois legislature is considering now a Shared Parenting bill that would create a legal presumption that shared child custody and parenting would be the “presumed” status for divorcing parents, absent a showing that such shared parenting is not appropriate.  I have had a chance to discuss this bill with some…


DuPage Divorce Lawyer: Sharing Parenting with a Poor Parent

From time to time, interesting questions are posted on some forums that discuss divorce, and especially divorce when dealing with soon-to-be ex spouses, and ex-spouses, that are poor parents, or a persons with pathologies like narcissism. Here is one recent question posed by a parent, with some suggestions:  3am my 4…

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