When parents come to court with a dispute over children, such as allocation of parenting time, most of the judges in northern Illinois counties will insist that the parties make an effort at resolution of their issues through mediation. In my experience with high conflict cases, mediation is usually not…
Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog
Illinois Divorce: High Conflict Emails
The article below was written by the author of “Splitting,” the landmark book on divorcing a Borderline or Narcissist. I wrote the foreword to the first edition of “Splitting,” and have admired the work that Bill Eddy has done since that time in the field of High Conflict Divorce. Here’s…
Illinois Divorce Lawyer: Divorce Planning
2016 brings to Illinois a revised and amended Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. The new Act brings some substantive changes to the way that divorce and custody is adjudicated in Illinois, but the guideline advice for preparing for a divorce remains steady. If you find yourself headed for divorce,…
Illinois Divorce: 2016 Rings in New Rules for Child Custody
Thoughts from Law Offices of Michael F Roe as 2015 winds to a close: 2015 has been a year of successes for clients, and challenges in Illinois divorce practice, with some of the challenges including managing the maintenance statute (the statutory guideline formula) that caused a radical change in how…
Parental Alienation: Illinois Divorce Lawyer
I am always careful to identify good articles on the emerging clinical science behind Parental Alienation. Here’s an excellent review by Dr. Kruk for your consideration. Credit: Edward Kruk Ph.D. Recent Advances in Understanding Parental Alienation Implications of Parental Alienation Research for Family-Based Intervention Dr. Richard Warshak of the University…
Illinois Divorce: Fathers and Custody
I represented this year a Father who was facing what is called a “termination of parental rights” in court, due to actions that the Mother of the children had taken. Sometimes, if one parent neglects the child or children, both parents can be found to be jointly responsible and the…
Illinois Divorce Law: Changes in the Law for 2016
I spent some time yesterday in discussion with some other experienced divorce attorneys concerning the changes in the divorce laws in Illinois that become effective as of January 1, 2016. The consensus view is that there is no consensus about how these new provisions to the IMDMA will affect divorce…
Illinois Divorce: Will New Law Change Divorce and Custody?
Illinois law is about to change with respect to divorce and custody. Put simply, SB57 is the Illinois legislature’s effort, effective January 1, 2016, to change the way that divorce and custody litigation is conducted in Illinois. But, as the old saying goes, “the more things change, the more they…
Illinois Divorce: Factors to Consider in Deciding to Divorce
Excerpted from psychcentral.com: Are You Ready For Divorce? 7 Questions To Ask Yourself ” This article outlines what couples need to do to face the numerous dilemmas associated with divorce. But first, they must identify their unique dilemma. Couples facing the possibility of a divorce face one of these three…
One Man’s Story: Parental Alienation
This is one person’s account of their life as a child victim of parental alienation, and the more positive outcome that arose as an adult.