
Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog


Illinois Divorce Lawyer: How do you know it is parental alienation?

How do you know it is parental alienation—and not justified rejection and estrangement? In a case where a child rejects contact with a parent, a psychological evaluator or skilled GAL can determine if the rejection is unwarranted, which is called parental alienation, by making a thorough investigation of the empirical…


Illinois Divorce: Parental Alienation Study Group

PASG Conference for Members: September 4-6, 2024 in Oslo, Norway Dear Michael Roe: We at Parental Alienation Study Group anxiously await our upcoming world conference in Oslo, Norway. The program looks great and final preparations are being made! We hope to see you in beautiful Oslo during September 4-6, 2024.…


Illinois Divorce: Surviving a spouse who has narcissistic personality traits

Surviving a marriage with a spouse who has narcissistic personality traits can be incredibly challenging. Many of my cases through the years have involved the opposing spouse with traits of NPD, or BPD, or traits of comorbidity of both. Here are some strategies to help navigate this difficult situation: 1.…


DuPage Divorce Lawyer: Is Spousal Maintenance Still Tax Deductible?

Confusion still reigns with respect to the tax treatment of spousal maintenance for Illinois divorce cases. I still see other law firms discussing online spousal maintenance (support) using the old rules. In Illinois, spousal maintenance (also known in other states as alimony) is generally not tax-deductible for the payor nor…


Kane County Divorce: When is it Appropriate for Kids to Meet a Paramour?

Introducing children to a new romantic partner, or “paramour,” during or after a divorce is a delicate matter that should be approached with careful consideration and sensitivity to the children’s needs and emotions. Here are some factors to consider when determining the appropriate timing for such introductions: Stability and Adjustment:…


DuPage Divorce Lawyer: Toxic Narcissists and Divorce

My practice has managed successfully cases dealing with NPD traits for many years. People with toxic narcissistic traits can cause a lot of harm and damage in a marriage and with children. In a divorce, people with toxic narcissistic traits can continue their self-centered toxicity, blaming, gaslighting, and other harmful…


Kane County Divorce: What are some Reasons People Divorce?

Through the decades of practicing divorce and child custody law in Illinois, I have encountered the myriad reasons that a spouse or couple is seeking a divorce.  In some cases, there are serious behavioral issues that make staying together unhealthy for the marriage, and unhealthy for the children. In a…


Kane County Divorce: Modifying a Child Custody (Allocation) Order

In Illinois, child custody (now called allocations of parenting time and decision making) can be modified through the courts if there is a substantial change in circumstances that warrants a modification. In general, the modification will be sought after two years has expired from the original judgment, but some cases…

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