In mediation, there is one trained ‘neutral’ who helps the disputing parties try to settle their case. The mediator cannot give either party legal advice, and cannot help either side advocate its position. Mediation is a facilitative process, and it works best when the parties have a strong desire to…
Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog
Divorce Wars Lessening? Collaborative and Cooperative Divorce Have Helped
What many family lawyers have sensed for a few years has now been corroborated by Gregg Herman, who chairs the American Bar Association Family Law Section. He says, “Divorce has become far less litigious in that more cases are settled than litigated.” The members of the American Academy of Matrimonial…
DuPage and Kane Mediation & Collaborative Divorce
You’ve probably heard horror stories from friends and acquaintances who’ve had expensive, ugly divorces, right? Maybe you’ve also heard from some who feel better about the process because they didn’t go the slash-and-burn route, but used divorce mediation instead. Divorce mediation is a process in which a neutral third person,…
Parental Alienation: Survivors not Victims
I received a letter from Chrissy, who founded Survivors not Victims of PAS. I asked for her permission to reprint her letter to me. It’s a very insightful and heartfelt account of PAS, and its impact on a young woman. Oh thank you Michael. Yes, I would be happy for…
Illinois Collaborative and Cooperative Divorce
I receive a fair numer of calls from individuals looking for a lower cost, lower stress means of pursuing their divorce. Some people report that they want mediation, and describe for me what sounds like Collaborative or Cooperative divorce, and vice versa. Despite the sometimes confusion, one point is clear:…
A Parental Alienation Victim now speaks as an Adult
Counseling during the Divorce Process
Of my clients that smartly utilize the collaborative or cooperative model of divorce (ie low conflict) I usually don’t see a need for therapy or transition counseling during a divorce. Some of my clients do benefit, however, from contact with an experienced therpaist skilled in divorce, family conflict, and co-parenting…
Parental Alienation: Video Discussion
I and others are doing some research into the phenomenon of parental alienation, and the onset of PAS in children as a result of a campaign of denigration and alienation by one parent against the ” target=”_ parent. I found a video program below that you might find interesting. …
Parental Alienation Discussed
As many of my cases deal with possible BPD and NPD-type disorders, I see traits of Parental Alienation Syndrome in alienating parents. These cases are very challenging…in part because there are kids being harmed by the alienation and by the pathology directed at them on a daily basis by the…
5 Common Financial Mistakes in Divorce
1. Hanging onto the house at all costs. Many couples scrambling to obtain a divorce settlement wish to keep the house at any cost. However, keeping the four bedroom marital home may be a financial undertaking that neithe rparty can absorb in the post-divorce environment. Maintenance and child support to…