
Illinois Divorce Lawyer Blog


The Appeal of the Collaborative Divorce

The Law Offices of Michael F. Roe practices collaborative law, and our collablaw divorce clients have saved time, stress, and money. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? How does a collabortative divorce work? First, both spouses meet with their respective collaborative attorneys to discuss individual needs and concerns. Then, the couple and…


Divorce Practice Must Lead to Resolution of Disputes

One of the reasons that I have been a proponent of alternative dispute resolution systems in divorce (such as collaborative divorce and mediation) derives from the sheer savings that can accrue to the parties by bypassing stressful and costly litigation, and implementing cutting edge alternative strategies that lead to settlement.…


Both Parents Need to be Validated in Custody Plans

Custody Terminology and the Effect on Divorce Outcomes Terminology in divorce carries weight: Which sounds better: Custody Decision, or Parenting Plan? Senate Bill 2003, approved by the West Virginia Legislature during a special session in June 1999, started an overhaul of the state’s domestic relations system. The bill made changes…

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