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Illinois Divorce: Parental Alienation Europe

  1. Contact refusal.

  2. Positive relationship prior to contact refusal.

  3. Absence of abuse or neglect on the part of the alienated parent.

  4. Alienating behaviours of the preferred parent.

  5. Child manifesting symptoms of Parental Alienation.


” Today Parental Alienation Europe co-founder Brian O’Sullivan was interviewed on The Elaine Show, Virgin Media, where he discussed Parental Alienation and its devastating effects. Brian dispelled some myths about Parental Alienation being a new phenomenon and shows that this problem has been around for a very long time.




Brian also made the official announcement of our Parental Alienation United As One Conferences 2020 that we are running in association with The La Dolce Vita Project, a domestic violence charity in Northern Ireland in April 2020. The conferences will take place in Dublin on the 21st and in Derry/Londonderry on the 23rd of April with keynote speakers from The USA as well as Ireland and Australia.”

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