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One piece of advice from this news package was particularly good, among a lot of good information… the benefit of a job. Not only can a new job provide much needed new income to the new family system, but the social and emotional benefits of a well selected job can really help women mainstream back into the world (assuming they may have been homemakers previously), and provide new social contacts that help one navigate the emotional ups and downs of a new life.

One of my clients, who had not worked for many years, took a job with Crate & Barrel and found the experience very positive. The job was something of a stepping stone, but I believe it helped her adjust to her new life, and put some additional dollars into the family budget. She worked while her children were in school. The kids came home to a happier Mom, and Mom made some social contacts that helped her in her new life. Bravo to her!

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The Law Offices of Michael F. Roe practices collaborative law, and our collablaw divorce clients have saved time, stress, and money. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? How does a collabortative divorce work?

First, both spouses meet with their respective collaborative attorneys to discuss individual needs and concerns. Then, the couple and their attorneys meet in four-way sessions to reach a settlement without involving the court. Every issue – including property division, custody, and support – is put “on the table” in these sessions. Divorcing parties benefit from the skills, advice, and support of attorneys while striving to work things out in a positive, future-focused manner.

When a settlement is reached, we file the appropriate paperwork required by the court. The parties then reconvene for one final court date: the “prove up,” when the judgment and the agreements are presented to the judge for approval.

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One of the reasons that I have been a proponent of alternative dispute resolution systems in divorce (such as collaborative divorce and mediation) derives from the sheer savings that can accrue to the parties by bypassing stressful and costly litigation, and implementing cutting edge alternative strategies that lead to settlement. Divorce is rough enough on the parents…it is a difficult life transition, and when children are involved, the issues concerning custody and parenting plans can really create anxiety and stress. The lawyers should promote positive resolution of difficult issues, when possible.

The story below from California (where I started practice as a domestic violence prosecutor) illustrates what lawyers managing divorce cases should never do: aggravate the already difficult status of the divorce case with outrageous conduct.

…..San Francisco, CA……A California appellate court recently rejected the request of John Fuchs, a divorce attorney, for $250,000 in fees — and referred him to the State Bar of California for possible discipline — on the ground that his tactics in a divorce proceeding aggravated a simple case into a costly legal feud that wasted the parties’ money.
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Child custody and guardianship are legal terms which are sometimes used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and his or her child, such as the right of the parent to make decisions for the child, and the parent’s duty to care for the child.

Residence and contact issues typically arise in proceedings involving divorce (dissolution of marriage), annulment and other legal proceedings where children may be involved. In most jurisdictions the issue of which parent the child will reside with is determined in accordance with the best interests of the child standard.
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The Associated Press reports on an interesting case arising in Cook County. The divorced parties apparently have a Joint Parenting Agreement, providing for the parents to consult with each other over the major decisions in the child’s developmental life. Mom, in this case, wanted to have the 9 year old boy circumcised. Dad objected, and filed a petition in court to enjoin, or block, the procedure. The case is about the circumcision, but it also stands for the principle that a well drafted joint custody agreement has some teeth to it, that is, if the non-residential parent has some “say so” in the developmental life of the child, he must be more than a “consultant.” In this case, Dad didn’t want the boy to undergo the procedure involuntarily. I also understand that the boy himself did not want to be circumcised.

——AP——A judge has sided with a divorced father who did not want his 9-year-old son circumcised, in a case that has drawn attention from groups opposed to the surgical procedure.

Cook County Circuit Judge Jordan Kaplan’s ruling, issued Tuesday, said the boy can decide for himself about circumcision when he turns 18. Until then, there will be no circumcision, a surgery that removes the foreskin of the penis.

The Associated Press is not naming the parents to protect the child’s privacy. The father was born and raised in Poland; The mother is from Slovakia. Both now live in suburban Chicago.

A 2003 divorce decree gave the boy’s father the right to offer advice on medical decisions.

The father opposed circumcision because he believed it could cause his son long-term physical and psychological harm. The child’s mother wanted the procedure done to prevent recurring infections.

When the two could not resolve their dispute, the father sued to block the circumcision.
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I have a number of clients who express concern about their divorce and the impact on their children. Are there any guidleines for parents to follow? Below are some thoughts and guidelines for parents anticipating divorce or in a divorce process. Be mindful that there are alternatives to traditional litigated divorce, such as a collaborative divorce. Lowering the temperature on a contested divorce and custody case also has benefits where the children are concerned.

1. Never disparage your former spouse in front of your children. Because children know they are “part mom” and “part dad”, the criticism can batter the child’s self-esteem.

2. Do not use your children as messengers between you and your former spouse. The less the children feel a part of the battle between their parents, the better.

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Custody Terminology and the Effect on Divorce Outcomes
Terminology in divorce carries weight: Which sounds better: Custody Decision, or Parenting Plan?

Senate Bill 2003, approved by the West Virginia Legislature during a special session in June 1999, started an overhaul of the state’s domestic relations system. The bill made changes in the divorce and child custody laws, changing terminology and adding steps to the process.

Michael Roe asks: In cases where Dads ask for custody, many times they are granted primary residential custody. Can you think of reasons why this maybe true?
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One of the best ways that divorcing parents can faciliate a good joint parenting agreement is to live within reasonable proximity of each other. When both parents live within minutes and miles of each other, the parents and kids benefit. Even the best and broadest parenting agreement can be difficult to endure if the parents live at great distance from each other. Conversely, even if the non-residential parent gets a standard “boilerplate” visitation schedule, the parent’s life with the kids is enhanced if he/she lives in the same school district as the kids.

The Illinois case of Samardzija illustrates a diffiuclt part of Illinois’ removal and relocation law. In this case, Mom moved from (for example) Gurnee, Illinois to Carbondale. The move then caused non-residential parent, Dad (a Gurnee resident), to drive hours to see his kids, when previously the drive had been only minutes. The move to Carbondale, in effect, stripped Dad of his parenting role with the kids. In Illiniois, the mother’s move to Carbondale was legal, and required no permission from the court. Mom moved, the kids said goodbye, and that was the end of Dad’s parenting life, as he knew it.

The Samardzija court reasoned that while parties in divorce can agree to geographical limitations when there is a specific need to do so, absent such agreement, Illinois imposes no restraints on a custodial parent from moving to the opposite end of the state, if he/she so chooses.
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In Sutherlin the trial court was in error when to refused to address the issue of temporary custody of the children, in an action initiated by the wife to obtain an order of protection for herself against her husband.

The court should have found that the wife’s petition for the order of protection was not designed to interfere with the husband’s visitation with the children, and the record should have supported a finding that there was abuse committed by the husband against the wife sufficient to allow for an Order of Protection.

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It was not an abuse of discretion by the trial court, the Illinois Appellate Court held, to refuse to order Grandparent visitation when the parents of the children had not agreed to it. IRMO Ross

The court held that in view of the Wickham decision ( holding that the grandparent visitation pursuant to section 607(b) of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act to be uncomstitutional), there was no basis to permit the grandparents a right to petition fo rvisitation.

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